Roll the Ball is a highly interesting app that puts your mental skills and visual acuity to the test. If you enjoy puzzles – particularly sliding puzzles – then you'll have a terrific time with this spot-on version of the popular breainteaser.
In Roll the Ball your mission is pretty simple: you have to rearrange the puzzle pieces in such a way that you create a path that gets the ball to its destination safe and sound. In short, it involves connecting point A with point B.
Despite how simple the idea is, you'll find multiple obstacles in each round. In other words, starting out, the pieces are out of order, so you'll have to devise a decent path, keeping in mind that in this kind of puzzle moving a single piece can be a real odyssey. Plus you've got to make an effort to create the path in such a way that the ball picks up the stars on its way down. Once you get a certain number of stars you can unlock higher levels in the game.
Roll the Ball is, in short, a terrific game that brings together mental challenges, exciting missions, endless levels, and much, much more. Try it now and discover your new favorite game.
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